Unix commands cheat sheet
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- System administration
- Utilities
- SSL Keys
- SSH tunnel - forward traffic from a specific localhost port to a specific remote host and port
- SSH tunnel - forward traffic from a specific localhost port to remote host - can also be used to setup SOCS proxy
- Download file using curl
- Upload file using curl
- Rename all files in a directory with sequential numbers
- Simple load testing shell script
- Sort file in a directory by name and print size and file name
- CentOS
- Ubuntu
System administration
Find PID using a given port number
lsof -i :6234
Find disk usage per directory
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \;
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs du -sh
Delete all files more than x days old
find /path/to/directory/ -mindepth 1 -mtime +5 -delete
Delete everything except files with given extension
$ find . ! -name "*.jar" | xargs rm -rf
Measure response time with curl
$ curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{time_total} http://www.example.com/
SSL Keys
Convert .p12 to .key
openssl pkcs12 -in private_key.p12 -nodes -out private.key -nocerts
Convert .crt to .pem
openssl x509 -in STAR_quizalize_com.crt -out STAR_quizalize_com.pem -outform PEM
SSH tunnel - forward traffic from a specific localhost port to a specific remote host and port
ssh -L <localhost_port>:<remote_host>:<remote_port> <username>@<tunnel_server>
SSH tunnel - forward traffic from a specific localhost port to remote host - can also be used to setup SOCS proxy
ssh -D <localhost_port> -C -q -N <username>@<tunnel_server>
Download file using curl
$ curl -O <url>
Upload file using curl
$ curl --verbose -F 'file=@"/tmp/myFile.txt"' http://localhost:3000/api/myFileEndpoint
Rename all files in a directory with sequential numbers
for i in *.jpg; do
new=$(printf "erg-%02d.jpg" "$a") #04 pad to length of 4
mv -i -- "$i" "$new"
let a=a+1
Simple load testing shell script
Measures time in seconds
echo "fastlyTime,awsGatewayTime"
while true
fastlyTime=`curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{time_total} -H 'X-Api-Key: bla' https://round-trippa.ft.com/callback`
sleep 1
awsGatewayTime=`curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{time_total} -H 'X-Api-Key: bla' https://round-trippa-gw-eu-west-1-prod.memb.ft.com/callback`
sleep 1
echo "${fastlyTime},${awsGatewayTime}" >> responsetimes.log
Sort file in a directory by name and print size and file name
ls -ltr | sort -k 9 | awk '{print $5":"$9}'
Manage network interfaces
$ nmtui
mkdir $HOME/Shared
/usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse -o auto_unmount .host:/ $HOME/Shared
Switch between apt-get installed java versions
sudo update-alternatives --config java
S3 copy/download
aws s3 cp s3://<bucket-name>/<path-to-file> /tmp/. --region=eu-central-1
S3 upload object
aws s3 cp /Users/anuragkapur/Desktop/hello-world.txt s3://<bucket-name>/ --profile <cli-credentials-profile-name>
EB get saved config
eb config get NAME
Cloud Watch - Describe Subscription Filters
aws logs describe-subscription-filters --log-group-name myLogGroup --region ap-southeast-1
Cloud Watch - Update Subscription Filter
aws logs put-subscription-filter --log-group-name myLogGroup --filter-name myFilterName --filter-pattern "{($.userId = *) || ($.data[0].userId = * )}" --destination-arn destinationArn --region eu-central-1